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Journalism, publication design, and advertising have been my life for the past three years, but I would not have it any other way. View below to watch my journey with journalism evolve.


Click on the photos to find tabs and learn more about what I offer in journalism!

Reporting & Writing
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Reporting & Writing

Capturing photos at a sporting event for a newspaper article.

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Showcasing the design awards won at the TAJE contest.

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Web & Social Media

Taking a moment after the social media class to take a picture with presenter.

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Broadcast Journalism

Videoing and interviewing the football game for a broadcast feature story.

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Photographing the soccer game to get more coverage on the yearbook spread.

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Editing Leadership
& Team Bonding
Posing at the Jostens Zoo Day Camp with the stuff animal awards.
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Commitment to Diversity

Photographing the band, strutters, trainers, ROTC, cheer squad, and football team at a event.

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Law, Ethics, &
News Literacy

Getting a 0.5 photo with the presenter at ILPC camp discussing the importance of ethics in journalism.

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Marketing & 
Audience Engagement

Taking a photo together to post on the Instagram account for the journalism banquet.

Photographing for one of the upcoming newspaper articles

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Photographing the men' soccer game with fellow yearbook staffer

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